Emily Sawyer: Administrative Assistant

Meet Emily
Emily Sawyer, Administrative Assistant
What she does at Sentree: “I take care of website updates, set up new sites, and perform various and sundry administrative tasks. My task list is ever-evolving!”
Let’s Get Personal
- Hobbies: Baking, playing violin and piano, and swing dancing
- Bucket List Item: Most of my bucket list items involve travel–taking a trip to see the Northern Lights is pretty high on the list!
- Pets: The sweetest and cutest new puppy, Buck.
- Hidden Talent: Consuming absurd amounts of coffee. (Trust me, it is a talent I’ve honed over the years.)
Who is someone you admire in the WordPress or Tech community and why?
Emily: All my fellow Team Sentree members, because they’re amazing!
What is your proudest WordPress or Career moment?
Emily: Getting hired at Sentree. When I first came on, I was a teenager with little to no experience, and in the years I’ve worked here, I’ve learned and grown so much!
If you weren’t working in web/web tech, what is another career you might like to attempt?
Emily: I’ve always secretly dreamed of either being a professional chef/baker or of owning my own bakery and coffee shop. I love everything about cooking and baking, especially plating things beautifully and sharing them with others!
Tell us something else interesting about you.
Emily: My BA degree is in music. It was such a fun degree, and I got to perform with some pretty amazing celebrity artists as a member of the college orchestra! My favorite guest artists were Paul Anka, Joshua Bell, and Henry Winkler.
Emily Sawyer lives in Locust Grove, VA with the new love of her life, Buck.

Follow Emily and Buck on Instagram at @ejsawyer.

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