Grahame Thomson: Sentree Full Stack Developer

Meet Grahame
Grahame Thomson, Full Stack Developer
What he does at Sentree: Provides hosting support (emails, security and updates). Develops bespoke plugins and custom themes. (And anything else that needs done. )
Let’s Get Personal
- Hobbies: Swimming, Watching Movies and Blogging
- Bucket List Item: Visiting New Zealand
- Family: His Labrador, Albus – “He’s my ‘baby'”
- Hidden Talent: “I’m a pretty good arm wrestler.”
Who is someone you admire in the WordPress or Tech community and why?
Grahame: Chris Coyier – I aspire to be as knowledgeable as he is. I enjoy his fresh and alliterative approaches to web development.
What is your proudest WordPress or Career moment?
Grahame: Being employed as a web developer for the first time. Although I have many moments where I feel proud of the work I do, I know there’s nothing else I’d prefer to do.
If you weren’t working in web/web tech, what is another career you might like to attempt?
Grahame: Acting – My performances may not be Oscar worthy but it would be enjoyable.
Tell us something else interesting about you.
Grahame: I like pop music and I don’t like licorice.
Grahame Thomson resides in Inverness, Scotland, with his trusty sidekick, Albus. Follow Grahame on Twitter: @grahamethomson
We’re glad Grahame is part of #TeamSentree. He’s one of the many reasons the rest of us love working here!

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